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    Automation and Systems Integration

    We are committed to helping customers achieve a more efficient outcome by integrating systems through automation, process, people, information technology and software solutions.

    We take an holistic approach which provides you with an efficient and responsive solutions that drives improvements in productivity, efficiency, business agility as well as reduction in mistakes and duplication. We support greenfield businesses and we also understand that many businesses are working with existing infrastructure and we are committed to providing you with the best solution to fit your existing systems, processes, needs and budget.

    A systems integration team works with systems engineers, developers, testers, and architects to ensure that the hardware and software components, when strapped together, work as an integrated solution. Regardless of whether your organization is developing and installing custom applications or integrating Commercial-off-the-Shelf hardware and software, LINQ Technology can help.


    Increase output with the same resources

    Integration provides businesses with the opportunity to do more with the same resources so you don't have worry about mistakes, duplication, hiring more staff as your business grows.

    We Support Our Clients Five Working Days

    Work support our clients Monday to Friday and if required we can also assist outside of these hours. We place as much importance of your business as you do and are here to assist you in time of need.

    Below are examples of systems which could possibly be integrated in your organisation. Don’t worry it not the only thing which can be integrated so if you have other systems feel free to ask to check if they can be integrated.

    • Salesforce
    • One Drive / Box
    • MicroPay
    • SAP

    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • Office 365 / Microsoft BI
    • Stripe (Online CC Payments)
    • SMS Gateways



    1. Ask Questions

    Begin by discussing the systems of the issue with the person or people reporting it to you because asking the right questions early will making it easier to determine the root cause of the issue.

    2. Replicate the issue itself

    Once you have gathered information you need to determine how to replicate the problem. Is this problem repeatable and under what situation does it happen.

    3. Check the log files

    Any well built automated system or systems integration provides you evidence through lots to let you know if something is not working properly. Error messages will provide you context to understand the problem in greater detail and see what is happening behind the scenes.

    4. Trace backwards

    It is easier to trace backwards starting from the expected outcome or behaviour to the actual outcome and behaviour being produced from the system. If you work down the process chain you often understand which process is malfunctioning.

    5. Restart or redeploy the system

    There is saying – have you turned it off and on and problem resolve itself. It is interesting how many times by just turning it off and on again often simply fixes a system when one of the process get in error state or out of sync with other processes on the system.

    6. Document Findings

    Its always good practice to document the issue for your benefit and provide insights to the teams supporting automation. Documentation provides you guidance on how to handle the same issue without retracing all your steps. You don’t want to spend valuable timing re-investigating the system during an outage.


    See results for yourself once you have automated systems to make your processes smoother and streamlined. Ask us how you can do it?



    Its all about long lasting partnerships which makes us different. We are not here for quick win and leave you hanging high and dry. Working with clients long time is at the very core of our values. LINQ Technology is your business partner.