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Office Relocation

Home Office Relocation

Moving is stressful, but it doesn't have to be!

Whether your up sizing, down sizing or setting up a new office, LINQ Technology can make your move a breeze with our fully managed IT relocation service. Your office will be up and running in no time so you can get right back to work.


Relocating your office a perfectly normal occurrence. Maybe you’re moving to a different part of town, or perhaps you are relocating to a different part of the country. Regardless of how far you’re traveling, you’ll need someone to assist with moving your technology and ensuring that your infrastructure is well-prepared for a move can be of significant value.


As a business owner, you understand how difficult it can be to facilitate an office move, your technology infrastructure notwithstanding. LINQ Technology offers comprehensive office relocation services that help you get your IT infrastructure from point A to point B, all while keeping downtime to a minimum and restoring or improving your business’s infrastructure.


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Leave the hard work to us when relocating or setting up your office space so that you can focus on your business. Our office relocation services provide:

  • Project Management for all IT aspects of your move
  • Communication with your interstate or overseas IT departments
  • Office network advise, design and re-configuation
  • Server and communications rack setup
  • Cloud migration to consolidate or simplify your infrastructure

  • Supply and setup of any new computers
  • Vendor Management such as internet & telephone providers
  • Cable Management
  • Setup of Wi-Fi, Security Cameras and other related items
  • Or simply assist and provide extra hands to your in-house IT department





While IT may represent a small amount of equipment when compared to furniture, files and other equipment, planning is essential. As soon as you are aware you need to move, start the planning of your IT relocation

Communication is Critical

Installation lead times for communication, in most moves, is the weak link in any IT relocation. Most providers in Australia require 60-90 days to provision a business grade service, and this can be even worse over the Christmas period. Many a time has the availability of communications been the deciding factor on the date of the whole move.


Backup and Disaster Recovery (DR)

Test your backups and DR plan, confirm you have hardware & software maintenance on your business critical items.


Documentation & Photograph Things To Help You Remember

Even though you have been looking at that blue cable for the last 5 years, when the move is on and you are tired, you will not remember on which interface it goes into the firewall.Document as much as possible, at a minimum include:


  • All configuration dumps (especially network equipment)
  • Network diagrams (logical and physical)
  • Rack and Cable diagrams
  • Label critical cables
  • Photos of all equipment front and back
  • Power cables and connectors


Time for a IT refresh of critical infrastructure

Where possible and where budget allows, try to minimise what your move and build new as much as possible. Apart from getting shiny new equipment, this can help take the pressure off on the day as it can be installed before you move. In addition you are able to test these elements well before hand and remove the risk associated with movement.


Test as much before the move day

Ensure that what is installed prior to the move day is tested and signed off by the providers. This gives you less to worry about on the day. Some examples include:


  • Internet connections
  • Phone/Fax lines
  • Computer grade air conditioning
  • UPS power protection
  • Structured Patch cabling
  • Security Systems


Multi task on the day

Understand what can be done in parallel and what must be done in serial with dependencies. This is why we recommend that the IT move be considered separate to the office move.

If IT equipment first on the truck before the office furniture. This meant the IT equipment was last off the truck and the IT guys were waiting for many hours rather than getting on with the job. If you have to move together make sure IT equipment gets loaded last and unloaded first.


What if something goes wrong

Make sure you have discussed with the business contingencies for things that can go wrong. What is your plan and how long will it take to resolve. Just some examples include:


  • Unavailability of IT key staff (sickness or injury)
  • Failed hardware on boot up
  • Damaged hardware on move
  • Data corruption
  • Incorrect cabling at the new site.


Post Move testing

Create a test plan in conjunction with the business that highlights the priority of services you need to test, what is considered a successful test and who will do it. This is where non-IT members of your company can assist (for example, log on to every machine and do a test print or test every phone).


The first day back after the move (usually a Monday) there will be problems, so do not book any activities at that time and be available to work on any issues. All the great work on the weekend can fall apart if you are not able to help the VP of Marketing and their colour printing.


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    Please Feel Free To Contact Us. We Will Get Back To You With 1-2 Business Days.

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: +61 2 9160 4566